Archive for September, 2008

Book Signing at the Marin Humane Society

September 29, 2008

I recently attended the Marin Humane Society’s 101st Birthday Bash celebration which provided an opportunity for many local dog owners to see Speaking for Spot first hand.

Speaking for Spot is published!

September 24, 2008

Dear Reader,


If a piece of your heart belongs to a dog, you’ll want to read SPEAKING FOR SPOT: Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs to Live a Happy, Healthy, Longer Life.


I am a huge believer in the value of medical advocacy. It ensures our active participation and results in educated decision-making. These days, we humans wouldn’t dream of silently sitting by while the doctor scribbles a prescription and shows us the door—we ask questions, get second opinions, and compare treatment options.


Doesn’t your dog deserve the same careful attention to his medical care?


SPEAKING FOR SPOT will take you from vet-shy to advocacy pro: Vaccinations? Medication? Surgery? Anesthesia? Second opinions? Pet insurance? It’s in there! Find advice for choosing the ideal veterinarian, paying for diagnostics and treatment, and making tough decisions about cancer and euthanasia. Plus, I’ve provided handy lists of common symptoms and diseases, along with the questions you should ask about them.


Visit to read excerpts from the book, and enter to win one of five free autographed books and a personal phone consultation to discuss ways to advocate for your dog’s health care needs.


Wishing you and your dog good health,


Dr. Nancy Kay

Specialist, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine